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Having a commercial or domestic lift installed can be very helpful, and it’s always good to know when your lift is in need of maintenance or repairs. Whether your lift simply takes you up a floor or it sees thousands of passengers a day, a malfunctioning lift can not only cause delays but also prove to be very dangerous.

Regular servicing and maintenance are needed but you also need to know how to spot the signs of a problem. Addressing any problem early can prevent bigger problems from arising later on, which can bring a bad reputation for your business and loss of profit.

If you’re noticing any of the following issues with your lift, it may be time to call experts for a full maintenance service:

Lift Maintenance 1024x681 - Lift Maintenance 101: Signs That Your Lift Needs Repairs

Issue #1: The Waiting Time is Slower

If you’re noticing that your lift is taking longer than usual, then its performance may be in question. The doors might be staying closed longer between floors or you might find that your lift is taking longer to travel up and down. Having reliable and efficient lifts is needed for optimum performance, and it’s probably time to call in a professional to service the lift.

Issue #2: You Can Hear Strange Noises

Lifts run smoothly and silently, and any squeaking, screeching, or clanking noises are a bad sign. Any abnormal noises can be a symptom of a serious mechanical problem, which is likely to get worse as time passes by. Fixing and repairing the issue quickly will ensure that not only the lift works as it should, but also that there are no accidents from a mechanical failure.

Issue #3: Strange, Jerky Lift Movements

Similarly to hearing strange noises, if you notice that the lift isn’t running smoothly between floors then it might need servicing. If it jerks up quickly or if it bounces to a stop on a floor, passengers can lose their balance and seriously hurt themselves. If your lift services older passengers or passengers with disabilities, it can be even more dangerous. Having professional look at your lift’s mechanical system is always good practice.

pressing lift button

Issue #4: You’re Making Maintenance Calls About Small Issues

Should you notice that you’ve had to make several calls about your lift over small issues over a short period of time, these smaller problems could be symptomatic of a hidden bigger issue. On-going problems could mean that it’s time to replace your lift, particularly if it’s an older model.

Modern, High-Quality Lifts

Having the latest technology in lift design can provide you with lifts that last for decades with minimal needs for repairs. Here at Axess2, we install high-quality lifts for a wide variety of needs, including platform liftspassenger liftsservice lifts, and disabled access lifts. We can design a lift for your bespoke needs, providing you with the assurance of innovative lift technology that is sure to fit your requirements.

You can get in touch with our team today to know more about our services and how we can help you.